Infrastructure |
KVK Administrative Building : |
The Krishi Vigyan Kendra has very well developed administrative building having audio visual training hall, soil & water analysis laboratory, computer room and museum. |
Farmers Hostel : |
The Krishi Vigyan Kendra has a farmer's hostel that can accommodate more than 30 farmers at a time. The hostel rooms are well furnished. The facilities are also available on nominal charges to outside farmers who visit us during study tours. |
Staff Quarters : |
Six Staff quarters were built within the plinth area of 399 sq.m. KVK staff are allotted residences within the KVK campus. The greenery and noise-free environment makes the campus, a place worth living.
Soil and Water Testing Laboratory : |
This well equipped laboratory analyses soil and water samples at reasonable rates.
Every soil sample is analyzed for parameters such as pH, Electric Conductivity, available Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. |
Museum : |
KVK is having a agriculture museum where the farmer gets the technology and services. This museum gives glimpses of all the activities of the KVK. This is an exhibition on various activities of the KVK and its products. Farmers, after visiting this centre get an overview of the KVK's scope of work. |
KVK Farm : |
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Dharwad, has been endowed with 20 ha land with well irrigation and other facilities. The main purpose of the farm is to demonstrate the latest agricultural practices. It also acts as a tool to do applied research on agricultural technologies & undertake trials before their transfer to farmers. Most of the area (18 ha) is covered under plantation crops like mango, sapota, tamarind, custard apple, amla, teak, pongamia , jamoon and forest species, only 2 ha open land is available for cultivating field crops. Efforts have been made to raise field /horticultural crops in between plantation crops for purpose of seed production/conducting demonstrations
Crop cafeteria:
The important crops viz. cereals, pulses, oilseeds and commercial crops which are commonly grown in the district were selected and grown systematically over an area of 2 acre. The representative major crops are Sorghum, Maize, Savi, Greengram, Blackgram, Soybean, Groundnut and Cotton.
Production of seeds : |
As per the mandate of KVK, production of quality seeds for purpose of demonstration and supply to farming community has been taken up on KVK, farm in different field crops viz., Soybean, Wheat. |
Kitchen Garden : |
Kitchen Gardening is an art of growing vegetable crops in the residential houses to meet the requirement of the family throughout the year is demonstrated in the KVK farm. The unit comprises of 16 raised beds of size 6’ x 3’ on which different types of vegetables like brinjal, bhendi, chilli, onion, sweat potato, cluster bean, pudina and leafy vegetables are being grown. The unit is very surrounded by a sesbania plants as live fence. The creeping vegetables like ridge gourd, cucumber & bottle gourd are being grown all along the border. The other plants like arecanut, beetle vine, ashwagandha, chakramuni, curry leaf, Allspice, drumstick, citronella grass, lemon grass, amla and other fruit crops like papaya, banana and lime are planted. |
Shade House : |
The Krishi Vigyan Kendra has established two low cost shade houses for nursery activities for production of genuine planting materials. For this purpose mother orchard of different horticulture crops are maintained for scion the purposes for production of different horticulture crops like Mango, Sapota, Tamarind, Guava, Custard apple, Curry leaf, Lime, Jamoon, Coconut, Amla, Fig, Grafted Brinjal, Chakramani, Cherry, Coccinia, Drumstick, Passion Fruit, Papaya etc. |
Coconut Nursery : |
The coconut nursery has been established in between the orchard (Mango+Teak). Yearly 18000 coconut Arasikere Tall variety seedlings are produced and sold to farmers as per the University rates. |
Bee Keeping Unit : |
The Krishi Vigyan Kendra has a bee keeping unit with 18 bee hives. The Unit's role is to protect the honey bee, an important pollinator of crops and wild plants from threats such as serious pests and diseases and environmental damage.
Vermicomposting Unit : |
A small scale vermicomposting unit with two small structures (3’ x 10’) have been established in the KVK as a demonstration unit to the farming community and production of vermicompost which is used for kitchen garden and other crops grown in the farm. KVK is a major source for supply of earth worms for various departmental schemes and also to the farmers in the district. KVK also gives training and advisory services to the farming community on the production of compost. |
Azolla Unit : |
Krishi Vigyan Kendra ,Dharwad has developed a Azolla unit. Azolla is introduced as feed for dairy animals and poultry birds, through which there was significant improvement in milk yield and egg size. The azolla unit is established as a demonstration unit and also source of supply of seed material (culture) to the farming community. |
Goat Rearing Unit : |
The Improved goat breeds are being reared under specially designed rearing unit at KVK, Saidapur Farm, Dharwad for the benefit of farming community. 8+3 Tallicherry breeds and 3+1 Shirohi breeds ere rearing in stall-feed method. |
Food Processing Demonstration Unit : |
The food processing equipments i.e., Flour mill, Rava mill, Potato chips making unit, Amla processing unit were procured under minimal processing. Through the INSIMP programme Pulverisor, Dehuller, Destoner and cleaning, Weighing and Packaging machine were supplied by the Dept. of Agriculture. The processed millets (Little millet, Foxtail millet), Ragi flour and other millet products are produced and made available to the public using the revolving fund. |
Rain Water Harvesting Structure (Farm Pond) : |
The KVK farm is having Rain water harvesting structure (Area: 58x48x4.5 m.) with well catchment area. The structure is maintained in good condition. Major focus is on constructing water recharging and rain water harvesting structures to meet the water requirement of production of Vermicompost, Azolla, Nursery, Vegetable through kitchen garden, protective irrigation for field crops and fish farming.